...Or Whatever whatever whatever.
Honestly, saying that I'm going to get this updated daily again is a curse. I think from now on I'll just do my best to get something up.
Todays pic is a sketch of Ryu from the classic Street Fighter series. I don't know why, but I was a little excited when I heard that they were making a 4th game. Well... 4th in name anyway. I kinda missed Street Fighter 3 entirely, due to a lack of arcades in my town, and not very many (if any in Aus) home conversions.
However, I've always had a massive soft bruised spot for fighting games. Even though I kind of lean to the SNK/King of the Fighters side of the genre, I always thought Alpha 3 was a blast. I even dug the EX series that everyone seems to hate. When it came to it, Street figher has always been one of the more balanced and competitive game series there is.
It's this fond nostalgia that's saved SF4 for me so far. The teaser trailer looked unbelievably awesome, and it was a massive dissappointment that they didn't keep the same stylized graphics for the game. But street fighter has never really been about the graphics, its always been about the characters and the fighting.
And as far as characters go, I can't think of many that has been as much of a posterchild for the many different facets of videogames as Ryu. That's not bad at all considering his costume is pretty much just a white karate gi. I guess it just shows sometimes simple is best. It's also kinda weird that he doesn't look right unless you draw him ridiculously bulky, since he's the "average" character of the bunch.
This sketch was done in my car on a lunch break. At the moment it's my favorite place to draw.
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