Friday, June 3, 2011


So things have been pretty damn hectic the last couple of weeks, so I haven't really had a lot of spare time to do any of my regular extra-curricular activities. Hopefully it's going to calm down a little now... but if not I guess I'll just have to put up work stuff:P

So the image to the right here is not related to any games we're working on (although... maybe it should be...), but is in fact my entry in the office wide "Artist Off" competition. Considering we don't have a Lead Artist, we decided to settle things with a good old fashioned free-for-all (although unfortunately, not officially... but that wont stop us from treating it that way). The rules were simple, draw a picture of a T. Rex fighting a Dragon, and open to everyone in the company. 

Mine is kind of more like a T.Rex and a Dragon having an awkward dance on a blind first date, but it would seem that all that time spent drawing dinosaurs having sex for my friend's money during uni paid off. That image ended up winning, beating out the proper artists and giving me another title for my ever expanding list. 

I am now: Gareth Pavlich, Lead Designer, Lead Artist, (let's face it I'm still) Lead QA, (also apparently) Sound Engineer, Localisation co-ordinator and (lastly) the Voice of N3V Games. Pretty soon, I will be the company.

Yes... I am a hero and it's OK if you want to touch me. 

1 comment:

  1. It appears they're moving in slowly for an awkward kiss.
