Monday, March 9, 2009

Damn you hands...

I didn't get as much done tonight as I was hoping... So I'm putting up this half done paint for the moment.

This time I'm using Studioqube's 3d paint tutorial, but it wasn't as helpful as the other couple I've done. It didn't really teach me anything specific that I didn't know... It pretty much just shows what he's done at each step. It would've been nice if it explained what brush he used/how he used it- but I guess figuring it out is half the fun.

I'll get around to finishing this later in the week... Tomorrow night I'm seeing Watchmen, so I don't think I'll have much of a chance to do anything. If I can muster the energy, I might write a small post ranting about or praising Zach Synder.

Continuing on with Nora Zehetner spoilers, Nora was also on the TV train wreck that is Heroes. She played a villian (I assume) who had the power to control people using suggestion. In some strange twist of fate, she also did one of the only heroic deeds on the show so far: Shooting herself in the head to stop Sylar from geting her power. Despite the shows willingness to resurrect other characters over and over (I'm assuming its Nathan's secondary power), she's yet to make a reappearance. Same with Kristen Bell. Make it happen Tim Kring!

Also... I think Nathan's tertiary power is to completely change characterization every couple of episodes.

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